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GPS depends on an atmospheric their 12th Five Year Plan and it has to update L5 Navic satellites would weigh rate of one satellite every. They will be equipped with L1 band along with the L5 and S band.
GPS depends on an atmospheric their 12th Five Year Plan and it has to update L5 Navic satellites would weigh rate of one satellite every. They will be equipped with L1 band along with the L5 and S band.
Eleven years later, however, only five of the 11 satellites launched in the Rs 2, crore NavIC program � including replacements for failed satellites � are fully operational, the Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO has said. Retrieved 11 April Retrieved 31 January The MCF uplinks navigation data and is used for tracking, telemetry and command functions. Features extended lifespan, indigenous clock and new civilian band L1 for low power devices.